Healing through Creativity – women’s retreat… the discovery

Are you interested in deepening your relationship to your creativity, even using it for healing?

spirit renewalI was privileged to co-create an amazing, intimate four day retreat as part of a team of four strong, sensitive women: Beth, Becky and Trish. Based at Four Springs retreat in Middletown we spent days singing, healing, crafting, doing soul collage, eating wonderful ‘clean’ food, having individual healings and massages! Here are some pictures. Join us next year. If interested, please contact Becky Shafi: powercircleretreats@gmail.com.

I have to say I am sold on Soul Collage – it’s utterly subtle and yet BAM – totally reveals something that yearns for acknowledgment within – it’s quite beautiful.

Thank you for coming Participants, and thank you Future Participants for planning to come Spring 2017 – we look forward to meeting you!


Pssst! Enjoy listening to the Blessing Song and the final song that closed the weekend “Walking Down The Road Again“…
