These paintings capture the energy of form as it comes into being. By spending time with them, much like a Rothko, you can unify with the field, the essence of the form of each element. A painting may depict Egret, landscape, sky, Kingfisher, woods and waters, and is witness to that essential becoming that occurs for each living being.
I spend time walking the beaches and bluffs of Northern California, visiting ancient British woodlands and Venetian waterscapes. As I do this I feel the energy of my environment, sensing its aliveness. We get to know each other quietly within. There is mutuality. That essence of aliveness is what I portray in this work. Theoretical physicist, David Bohm, spoke of this stage of emergence as the implicate becoming explicate – the anticipatory whispers of life coming into form. That moment is what I paint.
*Each painting is made through a deep listening process with curiosity, devotion, and love. Pick the energy that calls you and spend time with it in your own home.
MATERIALS:Acrylic on watercolor paper & wood or board. Sizes & prices vary.