I have lived a somewhat unusual and, perhaps, quirky life. Born in England, and being something of a nomad I started seeking early. I flew the coup a few times, finally stumbling across San Francisco, a wandering soul in search of a landscape I could call home.

Although I spent my early years somewhat quiet and shy, I always felt close to Nature and the Spirit realms – a fundamental relationship that lives in me today. My introduction to creativity was typical of England; I learned classical piano and choral singing, but didn’t really ‘get’ them… it was to be years before they became really known to me in a more personal way.
When I unexpectedly lost my mother at 14, I became drawn from within by a desire to better know the unknown. And, feeling a lot of self doubt, twenty years later, it was with a big leap that I decided to follow my growing faith in life, and emigrated to San Francisco, where I could ask questions and explore, without a plan, but with focus and a strong feeling ‘this is right‘. I should add, that decision took two years because I was sure I was meant to have a plan before I could trust my intuition! Eventually the persistence of the calling persuaded me otherwise. And it was after this move that my creative side – and my thinker/healer/teacher side – really came through.
Once in San Francisco, I started my own, one-person, faux finishing business, Interior Magic (a portentious title, it turns out), and began to paint professionally. It wasn’t long before I was doing a BAC in Fine Art and Transformative studies, at Academy of Art, San Francisco. I discovered that being creative made me happy! This eventually took me to California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) where I completed this study with an emphasis in music, arts and creativity as part of the transformative process – further building on my classical music training from my earlier days. Then I did a Masters degree in Consciousness Studies at JFK University, Pleasant Hill, CA – again with an emphasis on Music, Healing, Consciousness and Nature.
Alongside this, I kept wanting to know more about the energy of communication, spiritual transformation and the seemingly mystical qualities of music and life. I wanted to understand the magic that I felt, as well as the pain… where did they come from, what was I really a part of and how could I become happy and whole? Did I have volition? Power? Say? Who was I?? What was I? I explored these questions through the creative process itself, creating 7 CD’s (to date), artings, paintings, photography, poems, healing & energy training and, of course, many, many conversations with folk along the way. Bless them for their time.
I have grown to understand that I am part of something that is very much alive… an actual living system, a literal community of life. This innate relational understanding has been reinforced by my own leadership training, based in earth-systems, at Embercombe, in deepest Devon, and Pachamama Alliance – an international organization. In my heart I feel that this living community needs all of us and, whether we have a felt experience of it or not, we are equal and important parts of it – dynamic relationships that require us to show up uniquely and with aliveness.

Nature is still my primary teacher, as are lifes’ eddies and currents, along with my responses to them. Learning how to listen deeply has saved my life, it has brought me back to myself, to my family, and helped me find my aliveness, my creativity. And it seems all of these have deepened my capacity to love. This learning is an ongoing process for me. I listen to find out what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s worth pursuing; i.e. direction. I have also learned how to know when I’m misguiding myself and when others are doing the same to themselves. I’ve become something of a ‘tracker’. These tools are invaluable for a well-lived life. And these are the skills that I share with you, as well as my own music and singing, as it comes from many years of journeying, one curious footstep at a time – all expressions of the Great Unknown.
I care about people and our planet and I care about how we’re doing. Happy people are whole people, which simply means that the journey has become conscious. I would love to know you, somehow, on this journey. I believe how we approach ourselves, and each other, matters. It is my hope that my work (with you) helps both.
Finally, I would say there is an energy in us waiting to be noticed, and when it is, it brings us fully alive. I’ve been paying attention – I can’t help it, it’s in my nature! And, it is this kind of attention that I bring to both my music, and to you.
So, I look forward to connecting with you. And I welcome your company on this extraordinary journey.
Thank you,