M.A. Consciousness Studies & Transformative Arts, Music & Creativity
JFK University, Orinda, CA, USA
A.D. Music Theory
Laney College, Oakland, CA, USA
B.A. Integral Studies: Music, Creativity & Transformative Learning
California Institute of Integral Studies, SF, CA, USA
B.A. Integral Studies: Music, Arts, Liberal Arts
San Francisco State University, CA, USA
B.A. Fine Arts
Academy of Art University, SF, CA, USA
Clare is a cross-disciplinary artist, musician, academic and experiential researcher of consciousness, creativity, innovation and natural magic. She is also a healer and planet-first systems thinker. Having taught Creativity & Innovation to BAC management students @ SFSU, and developed DE, she now consults and teaches groups on creativity, connection, communication & curiosity. She finds dynamic ways, using inclusive approaches, to support the development of phenomenal, creative, intelligent, innovative, inspired, and participatory societies. In a previous incarnation she worked in London as Music Video Coordinator for Island Records, BMG UK Music Publishing, Entertainment Lawyers Eaton’s and, in San Francisco, Artist Liaison for Yoshi’s Jazz Club.
Favourite environments: The forest, the bluffs, stormy skies, and stony, windy, beaches – all places conducive to imaginative roamings.
Current Inquiry: As magical Living Systems, how can we raise collective awareness of who we are, and our design, in order to become phenomenally creative whilst becoming more deeply connected to Earth? As we become more self-aware, how do we impact our ability to evolve in sustainable, intelligent, creative, and holistic, ways?
‘Now What?’ CCC19 ongoing online community strategy group. (4/16-ongoing)
2019Designed & Published Dynamic Emergence (DE) – an innovative online learning platform on human design & conscious evolution for creative development and social change based on the human experience of living systems, intelligence, and creative flow.
2019 Creative focus:
Improvising musically with Three Worlds improv theatre group, London.
Researching capacity of music/arts/inquiry, to deepen self-knowledge and collective innovative potential.
How the creative process can help us create sustainable societies connected to deeper knowing.
How do we deepen our intimacy with life through the creative process?
Training people to achieve their potential to co-create a more creative, robust, inspired, resilient, world.
Vocalist-Songwriter-Performer-Recording Artist-Sound Healer. 8 CD’s, Pink Shark Music (licensing), Rift Storm Legion Vocals, Music for Meditation & Transformation, ‘I Can’ project for Cancer, Picture Perfect Music (publishing), ASCAP 2002.
Three Worlds; Theatre improv musician, various London locations e.g. Camden Fringe, Etcetera Theatre. (6/2/19-ongoing)
Sacred Music for Labyrinth Walk; Grace Cathedral, SF, 6-8pm (01/10/14)
Grace Cathedral; Music for Yoga (7/13 & 9/13)
The Power of Music & Sound to Heal, Shift & Transform; Curating monthly series @ 333 Center for Living, Loving & Learning, San Rafael, CA. (3/13-8/13)
The Beauty of Sound w/Timothy Surya Das @ 333 Center for Living, Loving & Learning, San Rafael, CA. (1/12/13)
Rift Storm Legion, vocals for Inon Zur, LA Composer. (8/2012)
Bohemian Nights, Bohemian Loft, San Francisco, CA (3/16/12)
Eradicating Ecocide, Polly Higgins & Bill Twist Evening ’333′, San Rafael, CA (3/8/12)
‘Passionate Life’; David Abram Evening ’333′, San Rafael, CA (2/12/12)
‘HeartSong’; Red Lion Square, Festival Of Life, Red Lion Square, London, U (9/24/11)
‘Listen for the Music…’; Wells Cathedral, Wells, Somerset, U (8/26/11)
Water is Life…; Goddess Conference, Glastonbury, U (sound exhibit) (7/26-31/11)
…Spirit is Sound; Goddess Conference, Glastonbury, U (7/31/11)
Sound of the Heart; Goddess Temple of Ashland, A Oregon, USA. (7/13/11)
Sound of the Heart; Joy Of Yoga Studio, Moss Beach, CA, USA. (7/2/11)
Sound of the Heart; Crystal Chalice, Fairfax, CA, USA. (7/1/11)
‘Life as Sound’; Nexus/Friendly Favors, Richmond, CA, USA. (6/2/11)
Sound into Spirit; community through sound group. Glastonbury, (1/11-4/11)
Superspirit Festival; Chaxhill, Gloucester, U (8/29/10)
Sunrise Off-Grid Festival; Shepton Mallett, Somerset, U (8/22/10)
Water Sound Healing Journey; concert w/Jan Cercone & Claire Victor, Unity Church of Marin, CA, USA. (2/28/10)
Interfaith Taize; Community singing group, Glastonbury, Somerset. (11/2009-11/2010)
Music & Sound Healing , Crystal Chalice, Fairfax, CA, USA. (1/21/09)
Spiral Dance Chorus: Starhawk – Kezar Pavilion, SF, CA, USA. (10/31/09 & 10/27/07)
Concert of Hope: Grace North Church, Berkeley, USA. (12/08/08)
Music Service Leader; National Spiritualist Association of Churches, bereavements, celebrations, weddings (8/2007-12/2008)
Healing Music, Natural Sound Healing. World Sound Healing Conference, Cathedral Hill Hotel, SF, CA, USA. (5/11-14/07)
Dynamic Emergence: Designed & Developed a new model of Consciousness for creating positive social change, sustainable communities, and evolving collective human potential. Online & in-person training and consulting.
Creativity & Innovation; Artist Lecturer @ San Francisco State University (Business Management). Academic, Experiential & Research Class; graded. Facilitating groups in accessing creativity and deep listening management practices. (8/08- present)
Creative Personal Development; how to become more in tune with the universal creative energies and fine tune your style. (’90 – present)
Voice Presence; Preparing people to perform, present or lead. Building confidence, technique & skills. (’90 – present)
Creative Process Group Facilitator using sound; California, Glastonbury & London (1994-ongoing)
Sound Meditation group leader; UK/USA, (1994-ongoing)
Dynamic Emergence, Creativity & Music; Dowsers Conference, Santa Cruz. (7/1/16)
Music Healing as a modality; SFSU, Holistic Health & Education, SF, CA. (2/15/16, 5.30-7.30pm)
Spirit Renewal – Sound Healing Retreat; Four Springs, Middletown (05/8-5/10/15)
Magical Thinking, Magical Life; Dowsers Conference, Santa Cruz, CA. (7/3-7/6/14)
Using Voice and Music for self-care; John Muir Health, Interfaith Pastoral Health Care Leaders Forum, Walnut Creek. 12.30-2pm (1.22.14)
Kundalini Yoga Music w/Chandanni; 1909 Topanga Canyon Road, LA, CA. (visiting collaborator; M/W/Fr. 9/12-9/13)
Finding Self, Finding Life; Divine Science Center, San Jose, CA. 1-4pm (10/14/13)
A call to Social Healers, Peacemakers; Collaborating w/ James O’Dea using sound to go deeper. Dharma Retreat Center, Crestone, CO, USA. (5/13-15/11)
Feel the Sound of your Heart; Joy Of Yoga Studio, Moss Beach, CA, USA. (7/17/11)
Soundly Conscious… authenticity through Sound; Festival Of Life, London, UK.(9/24/11)
Dynamic Emergence – a call to Social Healers, Peacemakers and Planet Lovers – powerful weekend retreat co-hosted with James O’Dea @ Newbold House, Forres, Scotland, (postponed – begin rescheduled)
Sound Journeys, group sound explorations for altering consciousness; – Out Of The Ordinary Festival, Hastings, UK. (9/17-19/10)
Sound as a Spiritual Practice; collective sound & singing explorations – Superspirit Camp, Gloucester, UK (8/27-30/10)
Music Meditation Journey; Psycho-spiritual focus on sharing (spoken) in circle and translating that into a multi-harmonic piece of music, sung together by the group.
Let’s Sing; Group singing/fun musical games and singing. Improvisation and song learning.
Interfaith Taize; Group singing of interfaith chants – Sunrise Off-Grid camp, Shepton Mallett, UK. (8/20-21/09 & 8/22/10)
Interfaith Taize; weekly community singing @ St. Mary’s Chapel, Glastonbury, UK. Co-hosted w/Natalie Fee (10/09 – 7/10).
Creativity as a Way of Life; Retreat in Kent, UK. Co-hosted w/Janice Ward. (6/28-29/08)
Music for Healing; Silence A Go-Go, Horne Farm. Retreat, Chaxhill, Sussex, UK (6/5-6/08)
Instructor of Sound Healing program @ California Institute of Psychoacoustics, S.F., CA, USA. (6/02-6/07). Classes (designed and taught):
Sound, Nature & Consciousness
Ways of Knowing
Voice & Transformation (including drama & dreamwork)
Music Theory
Dissolving Boundaries: an exploration of Sound, Voice & Self for Transformation; JFK University, Berkeley, CA, Transformative Arts Dept., guest lecturer: (11/05/06)
Music & Piano Instructor; Bay Area, CA, USA. (’90 – ’95). Private students in experiential musical development, personal development and the metaphysics of music, imagination and creativity. Basic piano for young children and beginning adults.
Facilitated two Grace North Church, single day retreats to examine and explore ‘meaning, identity and function’ in the church community, Berkeley, CA, USA. (4/10/06 & 5/8/06)
Sound for Self-Discovery; Guest Art/Personal Presence workshop facilitator at ‘Giving Space Uplift Academy Design Workshop’, Ben Lomond, CA, USA. Workshop focused on building bridges between citizens of Iraq & USA. (5/6-8/03)
Animal Magic; incorporating dance, movement and sound for connection and personal expression at Harvest Ffair Gynhaeaf, Wales, UK. (9/94)
Round Table ‘How can arts help us access a deeper wisdom for ecological wellness’; co-hosted & co-designed. The Young Vic, London (6/18/2019)
Extinction Rebellion Visioning Group, Political Strategy & Organization; presenting climate talks, public speaking (3/3-ongoing)
Cal Con ConFileda politicalInitiative with Californian Government to establish Rights of Nature in US Constitution. Co-founder/Co-Author/Alliance Builder/Spokesperson on USA local and national news & print channels: ABC 7, KTVU, KCRW, Mother Jones, Infowars, Snopes, Jefferson Public Radio, The Daily Californian, RT USA. (1/2017-1/2018).
Eco-Arts Trail “Why Does It Matter?” Mixed media sculpture (June-Oct 2015 exhibit)
The Arts for Earth; virtual community focused on arts for the environment. (2012-2015)
Sound into Spirit; group sound explorations into connection with self, spirit and Glastonbury, Somerset, UK (2/7/11–5/31/11)
Interfaith Taize; co-founded on-going, open, group with Natalie Fee. Glastonbury, Somerset, UK (11/09-8/10)
The Presidio Dialogues; Executive Director Bohmian Dialogue forum. Managed and hosted monthly meetings at Saybrook Institute, S.F., USA. Dialogues focused on Conscious Business. (Three months training and directed 1-3/07) – an average of 30 attendees/month w/mailing list of over 300 members. (1/07-3/07)
Sound Healing @Oakland Children’s Hospital, UCSF & Middlesex London Hospital; played original music and created a platform for sound healing for families, patients and staff. (2001-2006)
Offerings; Monthly music series @ Grace North Church, Berkeley, CA. Focus on music that heals and creates community. (10/04-12/05)
Co-Founder of Sound Healing program @ California Institute of Psychoacoustics, S.F., CA, USA. (6/02-6/07). Classes (designed and taught):
Sound, Nature & Consciousness
Ways of Knowing
Voice & Transformation (including drama & dreamwork)
Psychoacoustic Music Theory
Gracelight Music & Sound Music Studios; Run privately owned recording & production studio. 24 track studio & Pro Tools, Class A equipment. (95-present)
Energy Worker & Healer. Reiki I & II, Light Body Graduate, Emotional Body Balancing, Sound Healing. (87- ongoing)
Dynamic Emergence – Consciousness from an Artists Perspective. Foundation for Mind Body Research; Palo Alto, CA. (9/18)
Dynamic Emergence – Having fun with Consciousness; Dowsers Conf., Santa Cruz University (1-3/07/18)
Sound Art Meditation – Using Music & Nature for Self-Care; Original nature photography & music presentation. Dowsers Conf., SCU (1-3/07/18)
Finding the True You; Dowsers Conf., SCU (1-3/07/16)
Sound Art Meditation; Dowsers Conf., SCU (1-3/07/16)
Sound Healing Presentation; Holistic Health Services, SFSU (02/22/16)
The Future of Emotional Health, Brighter Brains Conf. Dynamic Emergence; (07/26/14)
Magical Thinking – Magical Life; Dowsers Conf., Santa Cruz University (07/06/14)
Dynamic Emergence, Consciousness in Creative collective; Consciousness Conf. @ CIIS, SF (05/30/14)
Music & Arts as medicine for healing & transformation; CIIS, SF (04/12/14)
Voice for Self-Care; John Muir Pastoral Forum, Walnut Creek, CA. 12pm-1.30pm (01/22/14)
Dowsing for Enlightenment; Divine Science Center, San Jose, CA. 1.30-3.30pm (10/13/13)
Living In Your Center – creativity as a guiding life impulse, Festival of Life, London, (9/24/11)
Exploring Consciousness in the realms of the Creative Collective – dynamics of creative community development. ‘Big Ideas: Sunrise Off-Grid Festival’, Somerset, UK. (7/21/11)
In The Realms of The Creative Collective: Exploring Consciousness; Green Economics Conference; Oxford, UK. (7/28-30/11)
Sound into Spirit – Listening as a Teleological Journey @ Camino Health and Well-Being Center, Glastonbury, UK. (4/24/11)
Creativity 101; Living a Mad Life With Sound!; Positive Living Group, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. (11/10/10)
Sound Spirit-Deep Listening; what is creativity and why does it matter?; Positive Living Group; Bath, Somerset, UK. (10/25/10)
Living in your Center – how is it we make the right choices for our souls joy and deeper purpose? Festival of Life, Red Lion Sq., London, UK. (09/25/10)
Print: ‘Golden Moments – a walk with Consciousness’, The Oracle, Glastonbury, UK (9/11) Article ‘Sound of Nature & the Nature of Sound’, Voices of the New Earth (4/04)
Picture Perfect Music LLC dba All About Music. Music Publishing; Nashville, TN. (9/02-9/03)
Tree Ring Productions: researching production of film Creativity Rising to express the cross disciplinary nature of the arts for health and wellbeing.
Audio Elixir: researching collaboration on use of 5.1 unique sound placement for nature sound & healing journeys with a cross-reference between arts and science for conservation.
UCSF – Neuroscience Department: Using voice to alleviate mental fatigue. Using imagery to facilitated use of voice for self-relaxation. Researching sounds to use in virtual reality
Basic Improvisation: Pan Theater, Oakland, USA. (2/08-3/08)
Presentation, speaking, & listening skills, exploring/developing creativity, understanding group dynamics and subtext, reducing criticism, increasing acceptance of self and others.
Intercultural Voice; Vox Mundi Studios; Sylvia Nakkach, Marin, USA (2004)
Music Theory; Laney College, Oakland, CA, USA (9/99-5/00)
Voice, performance, piano, theory; Stanford Jazz Camp, Madeline Eastman, Peter Apfelbaum (is a 8/2/99-8/7/99)
Advanced Theory; Berkeley Jazz School Mark Levine (4/22/97-5/27/97)
Vocals – All The Way In; Rhiannon. Vocal improv intensive (1/5/97-1/22/97)
Guitar; Jeff Massanari, Oakland, CA, USA (1997-1998)
Jazz combo/vocal jazz, pop & jazz harmonies, Guitar, Ear Training, Musicianship; SFSU (9/96-10/97)
Vocal Jazz & Blues; Brenda Boykin, Oakland, CA (1993)
Music & recording intro workshop. IMW, London, (1992)
Saxophone (alto/soprano), Drumming, Singing, Piano; London (1989-92)
Actor & Co-Director; 15 minute film focused on an ageing couple’s relationship (George and Mimi) and George’s deepening relationship with his spiritual side. A four-way collaborative process.
Commotion Pictures – Production Co., S.F., C.A., USA (9.92–9.93) Production/Art Assistant in Music and Corporate Video Production.
Island Records, London, UK. (10.90-10.91) Music Video Coordinator and Researcher. Duties included finding suitable directors and production companies, selecting treatments, attending creative meetings, shoots, monitoring off-line and on-line editing and budgeting.
In addition, worked on researching for TV pilot for comedian/musician John Shuttleworth at Island Music. Popata Productions, London, UK. (9.90)
Runner/Production Assistant/Craft Service. Art department, photography, set up, artist liaison etc.
Ceramics; Mendocino College, Ukiah, CA, (Spring 2015)
Mosaic Training: (London)
One day training direct method. Jo Thorpe (9/26/09)
Three day training. Emma Biggs. Table top indirect method. (9/18/09-9/20/09)
Ceramics 1, Figure Drawing & Painting 2; San Francisco State University, S.F., CA., (9.96–10.97)
Design & Materials, Sculpture 1, Still Life Painting 1, Drawing Principles, Electronic Editing 1, Introduction to Computer Arts, Desktop Design 1; Academy of Art College, S.F., CA, (1.95–8.96)
Figure Drawing – mixed media; The San Francisco School of Art, S.F., CA., USA (6.96-8.96)
Specialized paint finishes; Fantasy Finishes, Tim Duddfield, Gloucestershire, UK., (91 & 94)
Figure Drawing; City Lit College, London, UK. (91-92)
‘Starting Photography’; Polytechnic of Central London, London, U.K.; Geoffrey Attridge (7.91-12.91)
‘Still Life Photography’; Polytechnic of Central London, London, U.K; Mark Tyrrell/Lorrise Carse-Wilen (7.91-12.91)
Creativity Facilitation and Professional Development. Training agent; Margaret Blackwell @ Expanding Creativity (www.expandingcreativity.com) (9/06-3/07)
The Coaches Training Institute: San Rafael, CA, USA. (2005)