
Creative Sound & Dialogue Facilitation

Using Music, Sound and Dialogue, it is possible to engage in moments of discovery that can move group members through the pain of temporary, or chronic, alienation and distrust into compassionate connection. Discord is an expression of hearing waiting to happen. Hearing is a process that can be re-learned to suit the now. Clare can work with your group; whether it’s a church group, a business start-up, a social activism group or environmental sustainability cooperative. If you are willing to experiment with your own vulnerability in a safe space – and that’s a big ask, but a worthwhile one – then new and powerful alchemy is possible for your group environment. Through this a new sense of truth can become available and can present itself. Learning to listen and express authentically is a life-skill that will always have value. Doing it creatively will provide your group with a versatility and sense of identity that will help with future barriers when they emerge.

Call to discuss your needs and we will find a way to help you through this difficult moment into the potential that is most definitely possible. Our planet needs you firing on all cylinders; your work, and your wellness, are important.

Clare Hedin is a vocal, tonal, resonance and energy master. She reads the underlying dynamics and aspiration in a group field and brings those hidden dimensions into the most fulfilling and harmonious expression. Clare knows that the evolving edge of healing lies in exploring our collective emergence…and she knows how to bring us to that edge. Maybe you have never heard the sound of our collective longing, our collective sorrow or our collective joy but you will in the presence of her work!

James O’Dea; Shift Network Peace Ambassador, Former Director Amnesty International & Former President Institute of Noetic Sciences

Clare Hedin has become my favorite person to explore ideas with.  She is currently helping me with focused brainstorming around my startup game company which has been incredibly helpful.  True to her name, Clare is blessed with a keen ability to quickly see, feel and understand complex situations and novel idea spaces with surprising clarity and depth, enabling her to instinctively ask the right next questions and to rapidly identify where things might be getting stuck. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Clare if you’re trying to grow or re-invent yourself or a business.

Michael Mitchell, User Experience Design Strategist.

Live Sound Meditations

Using spontaneous meditative music, Clare can provide the healing environment necessary to help your group find its peace and healing. Listen to the powerful ambient samples that she can create for your own unique setting and allow yourself, and those you are aligned with, to be nurtured, to connect and shine. This can range from a one hour session to an entire day of receiving healing coherence, to also creating sounds and songs together – we will customize to suit your needs, upon discussion. Healing comes with resonance with ‘what is’ inside ourselves. Singing or simply being in an environment of sounding, where we receive, can help bring us back to our inner community, back home.

Clare understands the impact of stressful experiences on the hospitalized child and uses her skills and abilities to assess the individual needs of the child and then follow through with appropriate musical interventions.  At the heart of her work, she gave children the opportunity to listen and connect to beautiful music. Many times I saw her enter a room, sense what musical choice would be most appropriate and then immediately and deeply connect with the patient and family through her music. Thank you so much for visiting our patients and their families. Your songs and music were such a success with the kids. Even the children who are traditionally the quietest and most withdrawn enjoyed and even participated during your time with them. Your ability to choose the right song certainly provided a meaningful connection for patients and parents and from my perspective, was so exciting to watch. 

Rebecca Rice, Childlife Specialist, Dept. Head, Oakland Children’s Hospital, CA

Your sounding work was a wonderful addition to our retreat. After each dialogue session, it brought us together heart to heart, sharing our feelings as we moved freely, sometimes chanting.  It seemed a perfect ending to each session and a beautiful expansion of the retreat.  Thank you! May you continue helping the world in this way!

Karen Latvala, Life Coach, CO

Creativity Coaching – Deep Listening brought alive

Clare works one on one with individuals to help them find their unique pattern, their way of being in the world, to promote their own perspective on how we create a ‘whole’ society. Learn to manage and read your own energy. Part of the dispersement that we see in our diverse perspectives within our species – and how that impacts our actions toward other species – is a reflection of our own internal conversations: our own way of storying. We can pull in new energies, new focuses, and entrain ourselves to something bigger that calls us. We can align the power that is each of us to become more present to listening for the sensations that guide our next moves.  The process encompasses diversity; deep conversation, inspiring artistic and creative challenges, self-reflection and 7 Stages of Self-Transformation. This work is informed by Dynamic Emergence and honors the idea that change requires courage and curiosity.

I recently benefitted from Clare’s coaching as I started up a key new phase of my work, bringing my Tarot Alchemical Cafes to life. I had not taught or facilitated for almost 10 years, and “bringing forward the mysteries” in a compelling way was my key objective.  Clare’s help was incisive and comprehensive. She helped me think through the process creatively, and coached me in real time as it was unfolding. She is first an excellent mirror of my process, but more, adds her own deep knowledge of the creative process in a way that I could expand quickly what I was doing and the impact it was having. She helped me with content, with facilitation tips and techniques, with subtle pieces like “holding the space” for the mysteries to emerge from. She has a no-nonsense but compassionate style that I resonated with and brings her sensibilities as an artist to the coaching, which I loved. If you want a unique and creative coach, I would seriously consider Clare.

Steve Charrier, Founder Heroes Journey Tarot & Master Business Coach.

You seem to have a natural ability to penetrate the surface of my struggles and make me dive deeper. Your questions inspire me to see things in a different light, whilst your presence and highly-attuned listening skills create a field of safety and acceptance that allows the shadows to not only be seen, but to be loved. You’ve taught me so much and your help is invaluable. Thank you.

Natalie Fee, UK. Performer, TV Presenter, Author.
